SSODL Exams are conducted by the Symbiosis School for Online and Digital Learning on dates as prescribed by the Institute and the student can choose the suitable date and time in advance as per his convenience and availability.
There are two types of SSODL Exam Pattern, as in most subjects there are 60 Objective Questions of 2 marks each and in some subjects there are 40 Questions of 2 marks each. Along with these objective questions, there are two subjective parts, in Part 1 there are 5 subjective questions and any 4 to be attempted of 5 marks each and in the Part 2, there is a compulsory 10 mark question.
The time duration is of 3 hours.
SSODL Exam Pattern (total weight 150 marks):-
Section A- 60 objective questions of 1 mark each = 120 marks
Section B-
Part 1- 4 subjective questions of 5 marks each= 20 marks
Part 2- 1 subjective question of 10 marks = 10 marks
As the student can see that this SSODL Exam is very cumbersome and tough and a student finds it too difficult to attempt and clear it as he is tested at various levels be it objective or subjective and for clearing it he should have a thorough study and clear concepts of the subject matter.
A professional working student doesn’t have time to study the course material so deeply and can’t afford to practice solving such questions.
We,, through our dedicated team of professors and subject experts have mastered in solving these questions and will help the SSODL Student in solving SSODL Exam Answers, so the student can pass them with very good marks.